How To Ace 11+ and KS2 Comprehension Answers Using This Quick and Easy Checklist

In the midst of COVID-19, like most parents, you’re probably embarking on a plethora of responsibilities including:

✓ Homeschooling (which isn’t the easiest of things to do - even for a tutor!)

✓ Managing the home (cleaning, cooking, DIY etc)

✓ Working from home (unless you’re an experienced freelancer, it’s probably come as a shock to you)

Handling all of the above and more is incredibly difficult so if you’re feeling overwhelmed or drained, you’re not alone.

A number of parents have reached out to us to share their experiences and it’s always moving to read your emails.

To help, the team and I are producing as many resources as possible to help parents with home-schooling.

This week’s resource is specifically for comprehension, it’s a simple but effective checklist that you can save and print.


The next time your child is completing a comprehension paper, encourage them to look at the checklist first and tick off what they are doing successfully.

This will hopefully give them a confidence boost and help them to realise that they are making progress.

However, if they’re not yet following everything on the list, prompt them to so that it becomes the norm to follow the tips mentioned.


This checklist is ideal for KS2 and 11+ students who are sitting the standard exam for independent school entry (which is different from the CEM, ISEB and GL Assessment exams).

However, older students who are in KS3 will also benefit from following the techniques as they lay the foundation for writing successful comprehension answers.

clever comprehension checklist - the tutoress

I hope the checklist is useful and if there are any other resources or tips you’d like us to share, please let us know by leaving a comment below.

Wishing you and your family great health and safety.

Victoria, The Tutoress.