Up-levelling Sentences: KS2 and Year 5 English Tutorial


As tutors, we often come across tutees that are really bright and hard-working but struggle to write engaging and interesting sentences that capture the heart of the reader (or teacher).

It’s a very common problem and most children at some point will struggle with how to write in a way that’s clear, concise and that also shows off their vocabulary knowledge.

To help with this, I held a free Facebook Live tutorial back in February where I shared some tips on how to write better sentences.

Take a look at the tutorial below:

Quick tips for instantly improving sentences:

  • Swap boring or low-level verbs and adjectives with more advanced synonyms

  • Describe nouns using adjectives

  • Use adverbs where necessary

  • Use fronted adverbials to shape the pace of your story or sentence

  • Include literary devices such as similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration etc.